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Thursday 15 May 2008

A Positve Environmental Future?

Please read this:

and then tell me what you think. I'm impressed but I'd value other opinions for balance.

Thank you.



Lily the Pink said...

"May you live in interesting times" is an ancient curse.

I think we are living in interesting times that are going to get a lot more interesting.

The ecology of our planet is facing some very tough times - and it's all down to rampant consumerism - the more more more attitude.

I like the recognition that the crises the world is facing are systemic - everything is connected. It's about time more people woke up the the fact that nothing happens in isolation. It's about time that the US Government actually took action to reduce carbon emissions. It's about time people started thinking about their impact on our fragile little bubble of habitable planet. Some of us already are, but it needs everyone to take responsibility.

It is going to take radical shifts in perception and behaviour to make a difference, and the structure of our whole society is going to have to change.

The environmental issues, the no borders issues, the rank disaffection with politics and the political system, the lack of social justice, the ever-increasing gap between rich and poor, the worldwide economic crisis - all of this is coming together in one big scary picture for me.

We are going to live through interesting times.

Seán said...

My friend Jackdaw also commented on this post, but for some reason he sent it as a personal email. Here's what he said:

"I've had a quick look at this and was impressed and depressed at the same time. Impressed because I broadly agreed with it, but depressed because I remember this sort of thing was being said by people in the green movement here over 20 years ago. Why does it take Americans so long to catch up?"

Fair point, although I'm not sure it's the Americans. It appears to be everybody, but the Americans have all the power!